Help shape the vision for New Urban Voices on November 15th, from 15.00 to 16.30
Location: Demokratigarage, Hal 3, Rentemestervej 57, 2400 København NV.
The event is open to everyone and accessible to all.
15.00 Welcome and introduction
15.10 Talks from Klara Sørensen, Den Grønne Ungdomsbevægelse and Lars Sønderskov, Sekretariatschef, Byggesocietetet, Martine Lynge Lyngesen and Nikola Salacz, Building Diversity
15.45 Plenum and group discussions on visions and dogmas for New Urban Voices
16.30: Friday bar
We will start the afternoon with talks from other organizations who will inspire us on how to work as a network/community/platform.
Klara Sørensen, Den Grønne Ungdomsbevægelse
Lars Sønderskov, Sekretariatschef, Byggesocietetet
Martine Lynge Lyngesen and Nikola Salacz, Building Diversity
After the presentations will take a dive into the visions for New Urban Voices. One of New Urban Voices’ first tasks is to collectively define its aims and goals. We all want to reimagine the built environment, but can we find some common wording for this project? We want to create a mission statement and dogmas for how we act and communicate.
Grab a drink with your fellow change-makers
We believe that creating change can be fun! Join your fellow change-makers for a drink at the upcoming NUV Friday bar on the 15th of November from 16.30 Incidentally, the Friday Bar is right after the vision meeting, so hopefully you can join both things and if you can’t make the vision meeting you can still share your ideas over drinks.